Summative Entry – Ceremonial

The human and artistic concerns of the Shakespearean despite language differences are similar to our own concerns; the response to those concerns- given by poets, novelists, dramatists and artists- can help us live fuller, more meaningful and creative lives in our own times. "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely... Continue Reading →

Blog 8 – This tempest is for you

Critical: In the role of any one of the characters you have met in the play so far, give a brief account of what it is like being who you are. What does a man do once he is given the power of gods? Does one reach towards the light or let his own darkness... Continue Reading →

Blog 7 – Beauty of the self

Creative: Write a paragraph that describes vividly three of things that for you fall in the category of BEAUTY. In other words, say what for you is BEAUTY. Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. That much is true. Beauty is hard to achieve and harder to keep. Beauty within the self, is what... Continue Reading →

Blog 6 – What use is imagination

Critical: Write a paraphrase of Theseus’ anti-imagination speech Vile is what your imagination is. Lies, fairy tales and fallacies. What noble in his right would ever believe in them. Such would make me a madman. Such would degrade down to those clumsy lovers, stripped of all sanity, so blind that a gypsy in the Nile... Continue Reading →

Blog 5 – Who is to judge strangeness

Creative: Take a short section (5 lines) from any section of  A Midsummer Night’s Dream  (chose a section that you feel you have really understood and that you have also really enjoyed as creative language) and add a further 5 lines that are completely your own, building on Shakespeare’s words. Give your words a different... Continue Reading →

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